Mga Post

40 Days Dawn Watch Culmination Program

Last January 7, 2012 the Culmination Program of Dawn Watch was celebrated at Southern Baptist College's Gymnasium and grounds. It indeed was a successful celebration and everyone was blessed and happy. There are different activities held that day and everyone enjoyed it. I am thankful that our brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus participated and helped in any way or the other. Every day Dawn Watch is held at First Southern Baptist Church of Mlang Inc. and attended by different Mlang Ministerial Fellowship. Even after the Culmination Program the Dawn Watch will continue. It will start at 4 am in the morning and ends at 6 am. There are many who had already  received their miracles. To God be the Glory! Yes! Prayer does changes everything. When you pray miracle starts. Come join the Dawn Watch and be blessed! :)

Dedicating the year 2012 to God

This year I am dedicating it all to God for I believe in Jeremiah 29:11 God said, "For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you." I put my trust and hope in Him who is our creator and loving father. He alone knows our future not any traditions or any horoscopes.   This day is the first day and Sunday of the year 2012 and let's start it right by going to church, worship and praise Him, bringing Him back all the honor, glory, praise and thanksgiving for His faithfulness, love, mercy and grace. Leaving the year 2011 behind, let's face the year 2012 with the theme: "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me - Philippians 4:13". We know that we can do all things with God on our side. Its not just making our new years resolution, but applying it in our lives to make a change and honor our living God. Have a blessed new year and God bless us all!

Relocation 2nd Anniversary Celebration

           I was so happy because its my first time to visit the church that was founded by First Mlang Southern Baptist Church at Purok Paglaum or Relocation here in Mlang, Cotabato. I serve as a photographer there even though I'm only using a 8 mega pixel digital camera for the compilation use of Maam Alba. The Speaker was Ptr. Arguelles.   I was glad that there are many children there who accepted Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior. I know that God will use them someday for His glory. Auntie Wilma gave her testimony. We had our lunch their with the children and their parents. Thank God that the program was a success.

Thanking my God for His faithfulness

                I want to thank God for his faithfulness in my life. Despite those trials that I have encountered He is with me by my side even in serious and hopeless situations. Even when I'm suffering my consequences He never leaves me nor forsakes me because He loves me.  This blog is all about God's faithfulness to me and I want to share some with you.. I also want to share little things that I knew because it would take a lifetime to share about His love and faithfulness...